IPHO pushes for massive community engagement to eliminate dengue

Integrated Provincial Health Office, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and PGO-Provincial Information Office organized and facilitated a Press Conference at PDRRMO Conference Room, which was attended by Local media personalities. Said activity was called to inform the public on the latest status of dengue cases, number of deaths, and intervention of the Provincial […]
SVP 19-0410
SVP 19-0410
SVP 19-0408
SVP 19-0408
SVP 19-0407
SVP 19-0407
SVP 19-0303-A
SVP 19-0303-A
SVP 19-0411 – 1 lot JOB ORDER , Overhauling and Replacement of parts for Ambulance & etc.
SVP 19-0411 – 1 lot JOB ORDER , Overhauling and Replacement of parts for Ambulance & etc.
SVP 19-0409 – Purchase of 110 pcks AM SNACKS & etc.
SVP 19-0409 – Purchase of 110 pcks AM SNACKS & etc.
SVP 19-0406 – Purchase of 9 pcs JANITOR CART , with zippered yel vinyl bag black & etc.
SVP 19-0406 – Purchase of 9 pcs JANITOR CART , with zippered yel vinyl bag black & etc.
SVP 19-0405 – PUrchase of 1 unit AIRCONDITIONER , Window type ; 1.5 HP & etc.
SVP 19-0405 – PUrchase of 1 unit AIRCONDITIONER , Window type ; 1.5 HP & etc.
SVP 19-0404 – Purchase of 31 pcs BRACELET , not less than 4 grams gold & etc.
SVP 19-0404 – Purchase of 31 pcs BRACELET , not less than 4 grams gold & etc.