SVP 19-0523 – 600 liters Diesoline
SVP 19-0523 – 600 liters DiesolineSMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
SVP 19-0526 – purchase of 2 pieces Tarpaulin Printing & etc.
SVP 19-0526 – purchase of 2 pieces Tarpaulin Printing & etc.SMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
South Cotabato LGUs express support to Operation Listo

KORONADAL CITY- As partners of local government units in disaster resilience, the Department of Interior and Local Government Region XII and Province of South Cotabato spearheaded an orientation and dialogue on “Operation L!sto” The “Operation L!isto” focuses on the 3 components “listong pamahalaang lokal”, “listong pamayanan”, and “listong pamilyang Pilipino,” strengthening the preparation and response […]
SVP 19-0518 – 150 pax Meals and Snacks & etc.
SVP 19-0518 – 150 pax Meals and Snacks & etc.SMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
SVP 19-0515 – purchase of 1 lot Meals and Snacks with Venue and Room Accommodation & etc.
SVP 19-0515 – purchase of 1 lot Meals and Snacks with Venue and Room Accommodation & etc.SMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
SVP 19-0514 – purchase of 200 pax Meals and Snacks & etc.
SVP 19-0514 – purchase of 200 pax Meals and Snacks & etc.SMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
SVP 19-0511 – purchase of 1 lot Meals and Snacks with Venue and Room Accommodation
SVP 19-0511 – purchase of 1 lot Meals and Snacks with Venue and Room AccommodationSMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
SVP 19-0517 – purchase of 1 set Sound System
SVP 19-0517 – purchase of 1 set Sound SystemSMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist
SVP 19-0512 – purchase of 23 pieces Plaque & etc.
SVP 19-0512 – purchase of 23 pieces Plaque & etc.SMALL VALUE PROC. Bidder’s Checklist