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Province of South Cotabato

Lake Sebu is top tourist destination in Soutn Cotabato

The municipality of Lake Sebu that has been well-known for its culture, adventure and nature experience in South Cotabato is the top tourist destibation in 2022 registering 957,761 tourist arrivals, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum Unit (ACTMU) reported. Dubbed the pro’s peco-cultural capital, Lake Sebu is the home of the Tboli tribe which is […]

.7-M Tourism Projects up for implementation in 2023

Five (5) Tourism Infrastructure Projects worth P12.7 million sourced out from the 20% Local Development Fund (LDF) and 20% Annual Investment Plan (AIP) will be implemented in South Cotabato this year, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum Unit (ACTMU) reported. Tourism Operations Officer I, Anna Liza Mondejar ACTMU Planning & Research Section chief disclosed that […]