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Province of South Cotabato

6 IPHO employees rated Top Performers

Six (6) employees of the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) were rated as Top 5% Individual Performers of the Provincial Government of South Cotabato (PGSC) for the year 2020.

The 6 IPHO employees were led by Dr. Alah Baby Vingno, Provincial Health Officer I, John Arlo Codilla,RN, Hannah Ebeo,RN,  Celia Lorenzo,RND,  Genesis Navales,RN, Marifort Rafael,RN.

The recognition was given by virtue of SPMS-PMT Resolution Number 2020-02 which was passed and signed last January 8, 2020 by Strategic Performance Management System – Performance Management Team (SPMS-PMT) Chairperson Provincial Administrator Atty. Renette Bergado and Provincial Planning & Development Coordinator Jennifer Bretana, SPMS-PMT Secretary.

Pursuant to Section 10.14 of the Revised SPMS Manual, the Top 5% Individual Performers will be granted an additional step increment due to their meritorious performance.

A total of forty-three (43) employees were given the award coming from different provincial offices of the PGSC.

The number of recipients per office were as follows; IPHO – 6, PGO-Info – 1, PGO–SCRDC – 4, PGO-IAU – 1, PGO-PDRRMD – 1, SP – 2, OPAG – 2, PACCO – 1, PADMIN – 1, PASSO – 1, PBO – 1, PEMO – 1, PEO – 5, PGSO – 2, PHRMO – 1, PLO – 1, PPDO – 2, PPO – 1. PSWDO – 1, PTO -3, PVET – 1, SCPH – 4.







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