Fishkill threatens Lake Sebu due to erratic weather conditions

The municipality of Lake Sebu is threatened by fishkill due to the erratic weather patterns hittingprovinces all over the country, Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) chief Siegfred disclosed in an interview.

Lake Sebu, South Cotabato’s eco-cultural tourist destination and summer capital, is known for tilapia which is the primary source of livelihood of inland fishermen in in said town.

Flaviano disclosed that due to continuous rains being experienced by the province, it will result to a decrease in the disolved oxygen level in the lake thereby causing the fishkill.

Fishkill or called “kamahong” in the native tongue have been a regular occurrence for the past years especially if continuous rains for a number of days are experienced in the lake.

But the PEMO chief pointed out that his office have been conducting information campaign to fishermen in the lake and advised them to harvest their tilapia if their area experienced continuous rains for days.         

As of presstime, there is reported case of kamahong in Lake Sebu and PEMO is closely monitoring the situation in the area.












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