20 Accommodation Establishment representatives and tourism officers province-wide joined the 2-day training-workshop on “Social Media Managwmwnt and Content Creation” held recently at Punta Isla Lake Resort, Lake Sebu sponsored by the Arts, Culture, Tourism & Museum (ACTM) Unit.
.Arvin Lee Advincula, a local blogger and tourism staff of Surallah Municipal Tourism Office was the Resource Speaker. He is known for his page “where have you VIN” with almost 50,000 followers.
Participants were first lectured about the different aspects on sociall media management and later tasked to produce a 3-minute audio-visual production (AVP) complete with the relevant content.
Ten (10) AVPs were produced and submitted by the participants for cliniquing of the body.
ACTM Marketing and Promotions chief, Tourism Operations Officer I Francisco Cerbo Jr. who is the forerunner of the training disclosed that the primary objective of the training is to enhance the knowledge of tourism employees on the latest practices in the industry.
Participatants were given Certificates of Participation after the said activity.