Environment Office to purchase motor boats

To strictly enforce fishery and environmental laws as well as to monitor lake cleanliness of the 3 lakes in Lake Sebu, the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) plans to purchase two (2) fiberglass motorboats this year.

Loida Villa, Environment Management Specialist II under PEMO’s Forest and Inland Water Division (FIWD) disclosed that the motorboats cost P600,000.00.

“The motor boats are needed to monitor the lakes of any illegal activities, determine if fishery regulations are followed and it will also be used in the conduct of continuous IEC activities to heighten awareness of fisherfolks on lake environmental protection and conservation,” EMS Villa stressed.

Acquiring the motorboats is under the Lake Sebu Rehabilitation, Conservation and Development Program that PEMO implements under Provincial Ordinance No. 6, series of 2001.

The ordinance aims to restore the lake and river systems of Lake Sebu into its pristine state through rehabilitation, conservation and development of its natural resources.

“The procurement of the motorboats would significantly help in the management and protection of Lake Sebu,” Villa added.

One regular employee will act as Lake Supervisor and will manage three Job Order employees who will act as Lake Wardens that will man the operations of the motorboats.

PEMO targets the delivery of the motorboats in ht early part of the second quarter this year.








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