Search for Cleanest and Greenest Household to be launch in Lake Sebu

The Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) will launch the Search for Cleanest and Greenest Household in Poblacion, Lake Sebu this second quarter of the year.

Loida Villa, Environment Management Specialist of PEMO’s Forest and Inland Water Division disclosed that, the search is part of the Lakeshore Development and Beautification program of the municipality.

Contest winners will be awarded cash incentives particularly major prize and special award winners, Villa added, as well as consolation prize winners.

The contest will have three judging sessions with the third judging session considered as the final judging.

Cash incentives will be given to the winners during the judging sessions, whereby the top three winners in the final judging will receive P10,000,00, P8,000.00 and P6,000.00, respectively.

“We will also give Best Maintained Areas Special Award with cash incentives of P 15,000.00 for the first prize, P10,000.00 for the second prize and P5,000.00 for the third prize,” Villa further added.

Criteria of the contest are Greening, Gardening and Landscaping – 50% and Cleanliness and Orderliness – 50%.

Under Greening, Gardening and Landscaping category, the Best Flower/Ornamental Garden will get 25% while Best Vegetable Garden will get 25%.

Sanitation and Solid Waste Management will be the key components that will be judged under Cleanliness and Orderliness.

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