Para-Vets to train on Animal Wildlife Management in Phil Eagle Foundation

In order to further enhance the technical capabilities of its personnel on animal wildlife handling and management, the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) will send 6 personnel to undergo Internship Program for Para-Veterinarians (Para-Vets) at the Philippine Eagle Foundation, Inc. (PEF) based in Davao City on October 26 to October 30.

`           Earlier, PEMO established 2 Wildlife Restitution Centers (WRCs) located in Lambayong, Tampakan and Linan,Tupi as part of its Bio-Diversity Corridor project to cater to the needs of the endangered fauna in the said areas.

Forester Mary Jane Manlisis, Forest and Inland Water Division chief disclosed that the six personnel will come from PEMO, Provincial Veterinarian Office, MENRO-Tupi, MENRO-Tampakan and 1 caretaker each from the Lambayong, Tampakan and Linan, Tupi WRCs.

Based from the module formulated by PEF, Manlisis added the participants will immersed themselves on technical inputs such as wildlife handling and management, feeding activities, enclosure maintenance, recording and management on observations, and transfer and routinary animal check up.

PEMO also conducted an introduction to animal wildlife and management seminar and workshop at Durian Garden, Polomolok a few months ago with PEF as its resource speakers.





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