Bio-Diversity Corridor Update….. Wildlife Restitution Centers established, agro-forestry farms developed

A Wildlife Restitution Center (WRC) is now fully established in Linan, Tupi and another is on-going in Lambayong, Tampakan, the Provincial Environment Management Office – Forest and Inland Water Division (PEMO – FIWD) disclosed in their yearend accomplishment report.

PEMO-FIWD chief Forester Mary Jane Manlisis pointed out that the 2 WRCs aim to save the province’s endangered fauna and in support this, their office conducted a Para-Veterinarian training in Pololomolok and an Internship training at the Philippine Eagle Foundation, Inc. in Davao City last year to fully capacitate the personnel involved in animal wildlife management and handling.

The Bio-Diversity Corridor is located in 10 barangays within Tupi and Tampakan area; Poblacion, Cebuano, Acmonan, Linan, Kablon, Miasong, Kipalbig, Lambayong, Maltana and Lampitak.

Forester Manlisis added they conducted land management training and capacity-building in the form of organizational management training for the 10 bio-diversity communities to prepare them for the eventual establishment of the 2 WRCs.

Part of the land management training includes “hands-on’ training on slope/contour farming techniques where rubber, durian, coffee, cacao and coconut seedlings dispersed were planted by the beneficiaries.

Meanwhile, PEMO-FIWD also reported that their office targeted 40 hectares for agro-forestry development but was able to develop 42 hectares for a 105% accomplishment.

The communities developed were identified as Lambayong, Lampitak and Maltana in Tampakan (10 hectares each), Cebuano in Tupi (10 hectares) and the Integrated Provincial Environment Management Center (IPEMC) in Tinongkop, Tantangan (2 Hectares).

Seedlings earlier dispersed by PEMO-FIWD were also planted in the said areas.

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