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– IPHO to request for Mobile X-Ray Van to combat TB cases - South Cotabato Official Website

– IPHO to request for Mobile X-Ray Van to combat TB cases

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The Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) is seeking the endorsement of the Provincial Development Council (PDC) Social Development Committee for the purchase of one (1) unit Mobile X-Ray Van to combat the increasing cases of tuberculosis (TB) in the province.

Provincial Health Officer II Dr. Rogelio B. Aturdido Jr. disclosed that the objective of the purchase is “to sustain the initiative we have started with our province-wide anti-TB campaign together with the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) through their Mobile X-Ray Van.”

Two (2) batches were able to avail of the X-Ray services of PBSP, of which 23% were found positive out of 1,329 in the first batch and 19% out of 1,550 in the second batch.

As per Department of Health (DOH) survey, according to Dr. Aturdido, the prevalence of TB cases throughout the country has increased.

“Though our Treatment Success Rate is 95% for South Cotabato, our Case Detection Rate is only 56%, which is low that is why we need the Mobile X-Ray Van for the early detection of TB,” Dr. Aturdido stressed.

The Mobile X-Ray Van, Aturdido added, will not only include an X-Ray Machine but also a “sputum testing” laboratory.

The cost of the Mobile X-Ray Van together with sputum testing laboratory, med wi;; not om;y imclude an X-Ray Macicines and manpower complement needed is still being processed by IPHO and will be submitted to the PDC Social Development Sectoral Committee for endorsement to the PDC during plenary session.



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