The Provincial General Services Office (PGSO) under the management of Officer-In-Charge Ms. Anna Rose Z. Kasan remains steadfast in their vision to be the best in Property and Supply Management Services. February 12, 2024, during Monday Convocation, they proudly announced their accomplishment from the start of the year to present. PGSO, submitted the Report on Physical Count of PPE (RCPPE) and Report on the Physical Count of Semi-Expendable Property (RPCSP) for all Fund Sources to Commission on Audit (COA) and Provincial Accounting Office (PACCO). True to their mission to deliver quality supply and Property Management Services.
Furthermore, PGSO also submitted the required reports to COA and Bureau of Fire Protection on the fire incident at the Provincial Budget Office that took place last December 25, 2023 reminding everyone to be extra cautious of the safety protocol for offices. PGSO, also proudly announced that their water refilling passed the Microbiological Analysis of SCPH. In addition, Repair & Maintenance Services and Archivals/Records Disposal Unit are fully operational to deliver their functions mandated to the office.
Moreover, PGSO announced that the Auction Sale of Scrap Materials and Vehicles will be conducted on February 27, 2024, this will be also posted at BAC Bulletin Board, SCGCC Bulletin Board and PGSC Website 10 days before the schedule. On the other hand, schedule of garbage disposal at Material Recovery Facility is 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM. PGSO encourages everyone to be steward to the resources of the government.