SoCot gives school materials in support of “No collection policy”

South Cotabato, Koronadal City- The Province of South Cotabato under the leadership of Gov. Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr. gives school materials to thirty-seven public schools elementary and secondary level amounting to at least five million pesos.

The school materials include musical instruments, sports equipment, monoblock chairs and construction materials for the improvement and beautification of school premises.

This project is in line with the “No collection policy” of the Department of Education. The materials were purchased depending on the request of different schools. Gov. Tamayo hands over the materials to Dr. Ruth L. Estacio, Ph.D., CESO VI, Officer-in-Charge Schools Division Superintendent of South Cotabato, last Monday, January 27, 2020.

Meanwhile, Gov. Tamayo rehired at least 470 teachers and workers to support the teaching and workforce of over 200 public schools in the province. Tamayo said they renewed the contracts of the public school workers for this year to facilitate continuity of their services and ensure quality education for learners.

The renewed workers include 185 Provincial School Board-paid teachers and child development teachers. The other workers were hired to render janitorial and security services for the recipient-public schools.

“This is to ensure that our children are safe inside the schools and are also given quality education,” he said in a statement.

Furthermore, the governor said the financial assistance to public schools will continue. An indigent elementary and high school student will receive five hundred from the Provincial Government of South Cotabato for his/her school fees.

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