South Cotabato gets back nutri green banner award

Koronadal City—Despite the challenges of the pandemic in health and nutrition, the Provincial Government of South Cotabato received the Green Banner Seal of Compliance in a recent Regional Nutrition Awarding Ceremony. The banner is given to local government units with Very Satisfactory performance in the management and implementation of the Nutrition Program.Rudy Jimenea, Nutrition Action Officer, said the province has an overall score of 86 percent based on the MELLPI Pro standards.

“The award is a conferment of our initiatives to lessen malnutrition among children in this part of the country,” he said.

To ensure the quality of information management on nutrition-related data, the province distributed computer sets to all towns as a high-impact initiative in 2021.

South Cotabato also bagged the RAISE Award as one of the Regional Awardees for Innovative Service Deliveries on Eradicating malnutrition because of the above exceptional initiative.
Meanwhile, the towns of Tupi and Tboli received a White Heron Award because they were determined to reduce malnutrition rates and contribute to the highest percent change in the prevalence of stunting and wasting among children aged 0-59 months in the last three years.

“The town of Tboli reached 96.49 percent coverage on operation timbang,” Jimenea stressed.

Barangay Nutrition Scholar Virgenette Jickain of Barangay Crossing Palkan was recognized as the regional outstanding BNS winner. Jickain represented the SOCCSKSARGEN region in the nationwide search of the Most Outstanding Nutrition Scholars.

The Regional Nutrition awarding ceremony is an annual recognition of local government units and nutrition workers that excelled in managing and implementing nutrition programs.

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