9 Lake Sebu tourist attractions among 1ST Qtr Top 15 tourist sites

Lake Sebu, South Cotavato’s prime eco-cultural destination and summer capital, conquered the majority of tourist attractions among the province’ 11 LGUs visited by domestic and foreign tourists for the first quarter of 2022, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit reported. Nine (9) of Lake Sebu’s tourist attractions landed in the Top 15 […]
Double your mask when you vote on May 9

Koronadal City—Health officials encouraged voters to wear proper mask when visiting polling precincts on May 9 Elections. Dr. Raphael Abacan, a Department of Health barrio doctor, said that most of the mask available are low quality. He urged public to double the masks—a cloth mask over a surgical mask—to lessen the entry of the virus. […]