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Province of South Cotabato

Double your mask when you vote on May 9

Koronadal City—Health officials encouraged voters to wear proper mask when visiting polling precincts on May 9 Elections.

Dr. Raphael Abacan, a Department of Health barrio doctor, said that most of the mask available are low quality. He urged public to double the masks—a cloth mask over a surgical mask—to lessen the entry of the virus.

“The COVID 19 is airborne. It is like a smoke. The smoke will move slowly if there is no proper ventilation,” Abacan explained.

Make sure the mask fits to cover your nose, mouth and chin, he said.

As new, more contagious variants of the novel coronavirus spread around , public health officials advised to upgrade mask protection. One of the easiest ways to do that is to wear two masks at the same time.

Abacan believed that the Commission on Election will ensure that precincts are well-ventilated, no crowding and proper distancing are observed.

“When you are done, get out immediately,” Abacan further stressed.

Get updated by watching and listening to the news at home, he added.


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