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Province of South Cotabato

Accommodation establishments register low in CoVid-19 infection

Accommodation establishments in South Cotabato registered low in the infection of the Corona Virus Disease (CoViD)-19 pandemic, the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) reported.

          John Lemuel Dalisay, Statistician of IPHO revealed during the recent Kapihan sa Kapitolyo media forum sponsored by PGO-Information Division that Accommodation Establishments (AEs) registered CoViD-positive cases of only 4% out of the total 100%  based from the data they gathered from those tested positive of the virus.

          Dalisay defined AEs as hotels, pension houses, inns, home-stay, among others, that accommodate both domestic and foreign tourists visiting the province

          Topping the list in infection cases are Household (30%), Public Place (25%), Work Place (20%), the IPHO further reported.

While the number of visitors in South Cotabato drastically reduced in 2020 but slowly recovering in 2021, the strict implementation of  minimum health standards such as wearing of mask, proper hand-washing and observance of social distancing contributed to the low infection rate in  AEs.

          Tourism authorities in the province are regularly monitoring closely the observance of minimum health standards and the allowable number of visitors to be accommodated among AEs in compliance of the IATF order.







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