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Province of South Cotabato

DENR-PASu launches Agri-Eco-Tourism Pilot Project

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The Department of Environment and Natural Resources 12 – Protected Area Superintendent Office (DENR 12 -PASu) with supervision of the Allah Valley Protected Landscape (AVPL) recently launched through a Ground-Breaking Ceremony its Community-Based Agri-Eco-Tourism )CBAET) Pilot Project at Sitio Talubek, Lamlahak, Lake Sebu.

Forester Leonisa Alfaro, DENR-PASu-AVPL chief disclosed that the project which has a project cost of P6,180,000.00 is one of the many projects of DENR that will launch to help provide employment and livelihood in the community.

Components of the CBAET project include the construction of PASu Office in the area, Concrete Bridge and River Pool, Tribal House, Foot Trail, Butterfly Garden, Arboretum, Communal Farm and Inland Fishery that will be funded under the DENR Eco-Tourism Fund.

Partners of the said project are Lake Sebu LGU, Lake Sebu Upland Development Association (LASUDA), Talubek Unified Development Association (TASUDA) and Lake Sebu National High School (LSNHS).

Highlight of the activity was the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the project proponent and partners witnessed by the Provincial Environment Management Office, National Commission on Indigenous People and other government agencies.

Signatories of the MOA are DENR 12 Regional Director Datu Tungko Saikol, PENR Officer Mama Samaon, Lake Sebu Mayor Antonio Fungan, LSNHS Principal Leolyn Simora, LASUDA Chairman Renato Untang and Lamlahak Punong Barangay Gabriel Untang.

A Demsu (T’boli Ritual) was also conducted as part of the ground-breaking ceremony.


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