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Province of South Cotabato

Lake Sebu clean-up drive starts anew

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The annual lake clean-up drive in the municipality of Lake Sebu kicked off last March 1 at Lake Seloton spearheaded by the LGU’s Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMAg) with the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) in attendance.

According to PEMO’s Forest and Inland Water Division chief Forester Mary Jane Manlisis, the Lake Seloton clean-up drive will run up to 30 days with a budget allocation coming from the LGU at P400,000.00.

Aside from Lake Seloton, Forester Manlisis pointed out, clean-up drive will be conducted also in Lake Sebu with a budget of P200,000.00 and Lake Lahit at P20,000.00.

PEMO also plans to conduct its own annual clean-up drive this coming April in Lake Sebu with a P100,000.00 budget, Manlisis added.

Twenty (20) workers were hired coming from the community as beneficiaries of the program.

As expected, tons of water lilies and illegal structures will be removed during the month-long clean-up.


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