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Province of South Cotabato

Mining, quarry tax collection increasing – PEMO

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The province’s mining and sand and gravel (“quarry”) tax collection is increasing as per February 2016 report of the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO).
PEMO’s February 2016 report showed a collection of P1, 569,825.00 compared to P1,437,887.55 only for January 2016, showing an increase of more than a P100,000.00.
With the 2-month collection now averaging P1.5 million a month, the province’s share in the mining and quarry tax collection now amounted to P1,233.886.27.
The Provincial Imposition under Mining and Quarry include Sand and Gravel Tax, Mining Tax, Mining Permit Fee, Ore Transport Fee, Occupational Mining Tax, Verification Fee, Filing Fee, Permit Fee, Projection Fee, Processing Fee, Fines/Penalties/Surcharges and Miscellaneous (Delivery Receipts).
PEMO ended 2015 with a P14,372,192.53 sand mining and quarry tax collection.


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