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NGCP assures sufficient power supply comes May 9 election day

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GENERAL SANTOS CITY — The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) assured the public that there will be sufficient power supply during the May 9 Synchronized / Automated National and Local Elections during a press conference conducted recently, this city.

Abelardo Teves Jr., NGCP Head under the Gensan Area Control Center, Mindanao System Operations disclosed that NPC – PSALM will increase its power generation from 120 MegaWatt (MW) to 320 MW starting May 6 until May 12.

“NPC-PSALM will increase the flow of Agus II Dam from 30 cubic meters per second (cu.m/sec) to 90 cu.m/sec during that period to generate the desired 320 MW,’ Teves pointed out.

NGCP further added that the Inter-Agency Task Force on Securing Energy Facilities composed of national government agencies and local government units have already convened a month ago and have prepared contingency measures in case power outages will occur before, during or after Election Day.

Bonifacio Colipano, NGCP’s District 6 Head, SOCCSKSARGEN Operations and one of the panelists during the press conference likewise disclosed that in case that the tower or transmission lines of NGCP will be sabotage by lawless elements, they have a stand-by “chopper” ready to restore power within to 2 to 3 hours.

“We have re-positioned already our lineman gangs which are ready to construct a by-pass in case of any eventuality to ensure steady flow of power during that period,’ Colipano assured the media.

Security of NGCP personnel directly involved in said operation, Colipano added, is in close coordination with the PNP and AFP.

Darwin Galang, Science Research Specialist II, Mindanao Field Operations of the department of Energy joined the press conference also as one of the panelists.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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