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Province of South Cotabato

PEMO chief talks on “Minahang Bayanihan” experience during Nat’l Small-Scale Gold Mining Summit

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CITY OF DAVAO — Provincial Environment Management Officer (PEMO) Siegfred Flaviano was one of the Resource Speakers during the 4th Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining Summit held recently, this city.

PEMO Flaviano talked on the “Minahang Bayanihan” Experience during the first day of the 2-day summit in the topic “Socio-Economic Aspects of Technology Transfer – Miners, Local Government and Civil Society Groups in Partnership.”

The Minahang Bayanihan program was conceptualized by PEMO wherein all stakeholders of SSGM in the municipality of T’boli were organized with the end goal of instituting proper regulations of the industry resulting to sustainable mining development in the said town.

Partners involved in this endeavor include the T”boli LGU and barangay LGUs in the mining areas, the SSGM miners, operators and processors, national government agency partners and non-governmental organizations like BAN Toxics that are pushing hard their advocacy for Mercury-Free Mining.

BAN Toxics have already trained 71 SSM processors on mercury-free mining using borax as a substitute and have established two (2) ball mills to accommodate more miners in their trainings.

The Minahang Bayannihan together with HealthPlus Shop in a Shop were Galing Pook Awardees for 2015 for best environmental and health practices, respectively.

South Cotabato was given this year a Hall of Fame Award for winning 3 GP Awards, one of which was the South Cotabato Clustered Sanitary Landfill located in Colonggulo, Surallah in 2014, recognized by the National Solid Waste Management Commission as the first clustered SLF in the country.

The 4th Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining Summit is spearheaded by BAN Toxics led by their CEO, Atty. Richard Gutierrez.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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