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Search for Cleanest & Greenest LGU Update… Evaluators conduct consolidation of initial evaluation results

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Evaluators of the 2016 Search for Cleanest and Greenest LGU conducted the consolidation of results of the announced initial evaluation that started on February 23 up to March 10 participated by 10 municipalities and lone city of the province.

The participating LGUs were evaluated based on the criteria on their existing Support Systems and Facilities such as City/Municipal Hall, City/Municipal Health Office, Slaughterhouse, Public Cemetery, Sanitary Landfill/Residual Containment Area, among others and facilities such as City/Municipal Nursery, Central Material Recovery Facility, Public Market, Public Terminal, Public Plaza and Parks, Public Toilets, Roadside Beautification, Barangay Clean and Green Governance that includes Community Garden and Backyard Garden, and the implementation of their newly-approved 10-Year Solid Waste Management Program.

Most of the LGUs have leveled up in their performance particularly in their physical facilities which have undergone a make-over through construction, rehabilitation, repair or proper and regular maintenance activities that made it difficult for the evaluators to rate.

Up for grab in this year’s search is the P2.12 million total cash incentive to be divided among major prize winners, special prize awardees and consolation prize winners.

The prizes are as follows: First Prize – P800,000.00; Second Prize – P500,000.00; Third Prize – P300,000.00; Fourth Prize – P150,000.00; Fifth Prize – P70,000.00; Sixth Prize – P50,000.00; and consolation prize of P10,000.00 each.

Likewise, Special Awards with corresponding cash incentives will be given to Best Plaza and Parks (P30,000.00), Best Public Market (P30,000.00), Best Central Material Recovery Facility (P30,000.00), Best City/Municipal Nursery (P30,000.00), Best Roadside Beautification (P30,000.00), Best Community Garden (P20,000.00), Best Backyard (P10,000.00) and Best Public Toilet (P10,000.00).

For the Best Barangay Category, First Prize will receive P30,000.00, Second Prize P20,000.00 and Third Prize P10,000.00.

The unannounced final evaluation will be conducted in the agreed window period from last week of May up to second week of June.

The annual search aims to give recognition and incentive to LGUs who excel in clean and green and environment programs in their respective area.

Last year’s winner is Polomolok, followed by Surallah and Tupi.

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