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Province of South Cotabato

South Cotabato observes Earth Hour 2016

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CITY OF KORONADAL — A one-hour power interruption signaled the province-wide observance of the annual international environment movement dubbed EARTH HOUR 2016 last March 19.

Here in the province’s lone city, some one hundred supporters led by students, government workers and private and business sectors marched after the official “lights off” at 8:30pm in front of a mall located in downtown area up to the Freedom Park of the old City Hall.

To entertain themselves, the crowd led by a choir sang “pro-environment inspired” songs while others lighted candles at the park to signify darkness in the observance of the event.

City Mayor Peter B. Miguel officially made the countdown 10 seconds before the 9:30pm “lights on” culminating the one-hour power interruption, thanking SOCOTECO I in the process for their full cooperation in ensuring the success of the activity.

Before the lights on, an IP group also chanted a prayer for a stop to “el nino” and blessing of abundant rain to end the drought that ravaged agricultural crops in the province that resulted in the declaration of a state of calamity of some LGUs.

Local band Peace Echo entertained the crowd throughout the night after the “lights on.”


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