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Province of South Cotabato

Species of indigenous plants and fruit-bearing trees planted in 80 hectares land

One of the primary goals of the current administration, led by Governor Reylando S. Tamayo, Jr., is to conserve and preserve the environment and natural resources.

This objective is being achieved through the allocation of a budget of 2 million pesos per year for the community upland development and natural resources management program, which aims to enhance and strengthen environmental conservation efforts.

As part of this program, a total of 80 hectares of land have been cultivated with 40,000 different species of indigenous and fruit-bearing trees.

The Provincial Environment and Management Office (PEMO) is spearheading the implementation of this initiative.

Furthermore, a grand total of 82,000 bamboo plants have been carefully cultivated along a 40-kilometer stretch of rivers. At present, the expansion of these plantations continues through the ongoing implementation of this program.

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