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Province of South Cotabato

State of Dengue Outbreak in South Cotabato officially lifted

CITY OF KORONADAL — The State of Dengue  Outbreak in South Cotabato was officially lifted when members of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) chaired by Governor Reynaldo Tamayo Jr. voted for the lifting  during its meeting at Old SP Session Hall, Provincial Capitol Compound, this city, on January 31.

Presided by Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer Haide Agustin, the council members voted unanimously to lift it after the presentation of the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) on the facts and figures to justify the lifting.

Provincial Health Officer I Dr. Alah Baby Vingno disclosed during the presentation that on Morbidity Week #52 (last of week of December 2019), it showed that dengue cases dropped significantly from outbreak to alert to endemic level, as reported by LGUs and recorded by the Provincial Epidemiology Surveillance Unit (PESU).

“But despite th drastic reduction, prevention and control measures are still continuing,’ Dr Vingno added.

PESU records showed that the total recorded dengue cases until Morbidity Week #52 reached more than 6,000 and 30 deaths, with a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 0.4% which passed the DOH standard of below 0.5%.

The State of Dengue Outbreak was declared in South Cotabato after 5 LGUs declared their respective state of calamity before July 19.

PDRRMO has allotted P5 million from its Quick Response Fund to mitigate dengue during the state of calamity.




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