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Province of South Cotabato

Taliambong Awards set on Nat’l Arts Month 2023

The Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit  is planning to conduct the Tubas Taliambong Awards on February 2023 which is celebrated annually as National Arts Month.

            ACTM Head Senior Tourism Operations Officer (STOO) Argie Ryan Asaria requested the Technical Working Group (TWG) during the recent 4th Quarterly Meeting of the South Cotabato  Culture & Arts Council (SCCAC) to fast-track the selection process and suggested that said nominees must be endorsed by the respective Local Chief Executive of the 11 LGUs of the province.

         *Nominees for the 8 Arts Disciplines must be endorsed by the Mayor of the respective LGU for the TWG to select,” STOO Asaria said.

The 8 arts disciplines are Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Theater and Literature, Cultural Education,  Archives and Historical Research, Museum and Galleries and Library and Information Services.

Series of meetings are expected to mmence this month until Febriary next year until the recipients of the awards are selected.









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