Fun Farms organized in South Cotabato

Some seventeen (17) Fun Farms were already organized in South Cotabato, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit – Tourism Research, Planning & Product Develop,emt Section disclosed. Soith Cotabato’s Fun Farms have been existing for the past year, according to ACTM. But the organization was only formalized on July last year after the Department […]
ACTM trains more LGUs on Cultural Mapping

local government units (LGUs) in South Cotabato benefited from the Cultural Mapping ProgramCMP) spearheaded by the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit for the year 2023. Tantangan recently underwent CMP training particularly on Social Preparation which is Phase II of the CMP after it underwent Scopung last January and February this year. Thirteen (13) […]
SLT operators undergo Orientation

Some 23 School of Living Traditions (SLT) Operators operating within South Cotabato recently underwent an Orientation conducted by Team Arts & Culturee of the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit. Neteen (19) SLT Operators from Lake Sebu Joined the 3-day Orientation together with three (3) from Polomolok and one (1) from T’boli. According to […]
Team Arts & Culture conducts 2-day CMP Social Preparation Orientation l

Thirteen (13) Barangays in the municipality of Tantangan underwent Social Preparation (Orientation and Organization of Local Mapping Team) which is Phase II of the Cultural Mapping Project (CMP) of the Arts, Culture, Tourism anf Museum (ACTM) Unit. Tourism Operations Officer II Indira Cagaanan, ACTMU Arts & Culture Coordinator, thoroughly discussed the Rationale and Overview of […]
P2.4 M cash incentive up for grab in Clean & Green contest

A total of P2.4 million awaits winners in the 2023 Search for Cleanest and Greenest LGU, the Provincial Clean and Green Search Technical Working Group (TWG) disclosed. ach LGU, comprising of 10 towns and 1 city, will be alloted P218,400 cash incentive as prizes for the Inter-Barangay C;eanest and Greenest Search. The breakdown of the […]
Clean & Green TWG conducts orientation on Inter-Barsngay Cuntest

Members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Search for Cleanest & Greenest LGU led by Supervising Environment Management Specialist Elbe Balucanag of the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) recently conducted the Orientation on the forthcoming Inter-Barangay Contest and Best Community Garden Contests for 2023. The search is divided into (2) categories, namely; Inter-Barangay […]
May is National Heritage Month

South Cotabato will celebrate National Heritage Month (NHM) this month of May through series of activities, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit disclosed. Tourism Operations Officer II Indira Cagaanan, ACTMU Arts ^ Culture Coorddinator said that one of the activities is the Capability/Enhancement Training For School of Living Traditions (SLT) Operators from May […]
– SCCAC to pass resolution on Arts & Culture Coordinator designation

The South Cotabato Culture and Arts Council (SCCAC) is planning to enjoin LGUs to designate an Arts & Culture Coordinator in order to give focus on their respective cultural programs. SCCAC discussed the matter during their recent regular Council Meeting after noticing that some LGUs have no permanent or designated representative in attendance during […]
SG Farm is top tourist attraction for 1st qtr in SourhCot

SG Farm in Tupi town is the top tourist attraction for the first quarter of the year in South Cotabato, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit disclosed. Located in the mountainous area of Sitio Glandang at Barangay Kablon in said town, it boasts of picturesque background scenery of Mt. Matutum complimented with the […]
SouthCot registers 395K visitors. Lake Sebu is top tourist destination

Lake Sebu town is the top tourist destination in South Cotabato for the first quarter of 2023 accounting for 189,348 out of 395,563 total visitor arrivals, the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Museum (ACTM) Unit revealed in their first quarter report. Four (4) of the town’s toutist attractions, namely: Our Lady of Divine Mercy Shrine and […]